Full Day Course Incl BB Teaching Pack or NIP Online Subscription and Guide

$688 excl gst with BB Teaching Pack and a maths bag
$656 excl gst with NIP Online Subscription, Guide and a maths bag
$395 excl gst with a maths bag for the course only
NZ$ 688.00 excluding GST
NZ$ 791.20 including GST
[{"colour":"","code":"WBBTP","size":"","price":688,"qty":9999,"pid":5554402,"style":"With BB Teaching Pack","disabled":false,"title":"Full Day Course Incl BB Teaching Pack or NIP Online Subscription and Guide"},{"colour":"","code":"CO","size":"","price":395,"qty":9999,"pid":5554401,"style":"Course Only","disabled":false,"title":"Full Day Course Incl BB Teaching Pack or NIP Online Subscription and Guide"},{"colour":"","code":"WNIP","size":"","price":656,"qty":9999,"pid":5554403,"style":"With NIP Online Subscription and Guide","disabled":false,"title":"Full Day Course Incl BB Teaching Pack or NIP Online Subscription and Guide"}]

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