Professional Development for your school

The team at Edushop offer a range of options for teacher only days and in-school PD for early childhood, primary, intermediate and junior high school teachers and leaders. 

We work with school leaders to identify staff PLD needs and design a combination of workshops, discussions, classroom modelling, observations, collaborative planning and review sessions based on your school’s requirements and your community.

We are passionate about raising the achievement of all children:

  • local curriculum design
  • assessment for learning

We can also support you these areas: 

  • Formative Assessment
  • Knowing the NZ Curriculum in Mathematics
  • Mixed ability group
  • Inclusion of children with diverse and special needs
  • Achievement of all students in Mathematics
  • CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) & Mastery - the Singapore Maths approach
  • Responsive classroom teaching
  • Strengthening 'beginning' teachers
  • School review of Numeracy, resourcing and planning
  • Dyslexia and other challenges in achieving in literacy 
  • Building excitement for those who are excelling in Mathematics and want more challenge as well as depth.
  • Implementing the Numicon Approach into your school/team, early childhood centre/kindergarten
  • Making the Numicon Approach your main mathematics programme or to run alongside another

and in Literacy..

  • Developing writing skills with young writers

Contact us for further details and prices

Click here to download the PLD only options available for 2024 with Numicon. 

For further information contact our office to be directed to one of team members in your area. or, the team leader.