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You don't have to be trained in any field of Education to tutor with Toe by Toe. In fact, the manual often works better with non-professionals using it as they do not come to the task with any pre-conceived notions and thus simply follow the very detailed instructions to the letter.
No matter what the nature of the student's literacy problem, they can be taught to read using Toe by Toe. The severity of their problem may only be reflected in the length of time needed to get through the book. Indeed, if the system is used with a 'non-dyslexic' child (i.e. one without learning difficulties) the rapid improvement in reading age is truly astonishing.
Read more at the parent website
I used this book with my daughter. We enjoyed using it and were impressed with how well it set her up for reading any book. It teaches the principle of decoding very effectively. A very reasonably priced reading programme!
There is a also a great support group available for teachers on Facebook that you can join here.
TBT is the distillation of decades of trial and error research done by Keda Cowling, a classroom teacher in the North of England in the 70’s and 80’s.
With daily intervention, it is perfectly possible for a parent to take a child through the whole scheme in three months or less. It may take much longer with some children but you will get there in the end.
Look at Stareway to Spelling and Stride Ahead with Reading after Toe by Toe.
The Toe By Toe Phonic Test tests a student’s phonetic knowledge. Students who struggle to pronounce the sounds of the Toe By Toe nonsense words correctly is a clear indication that they need help in improving their reading skills.
There are many different causes and reasons why some people have difficulties in reading text. Low intelligence is seldom the reason some people struggle to read! Indeed, some of the brightest and most intelligent children and adults can experience reading difficulties.
Some common causes of reading difficulties include:
Toe by Toe helps any child or adult who has difficulty in decoding text. That is, reading unfamiliar words confidently and accurately. It also helps improve reading fluency. That is, reading without pausing or hesitating when confronted by an unfamiliar word.
To help struggling readers learn to ‘decode’ the written word better, we have devised the Toe by Toe Phonic Test. It includes a number of ‘nonsense words’ which have particular letter combinations poor readers typically have difficulty in reading.
The Toe by Toe phonic test is designed to evaluate a student’s phonetic knowledge. Students who struggle to pronounce the sounds of these nonsense words correctly is a clear indication that they need particular coaching to improve their reading skills.
If your child or student gets a low rating on the test, they will most definitely benefit from using Toe By Toe.
The Toe by Toe literacy programme helps struggling readers improve reading skills, fluency, comprehension and spelling. Although suitable for anyone with reading difficulties, Toe by Toe was developed with students with dyslexia in mind.
Toe by Toe is split into three manuals to simplify teaching, making it ideal for all educators and even those without reading instruction expertise.
Toe by Toe helps students who struggle to decode written text and is the foundational tool in the series.
Stride Ahead builds on Toe by Toe to help students process information in a text and extract meaning from it more rapidly.
Stareway to Spelling helps students focus on spelling the 300 most used words in the English language.
How it helps
Innovative phonics-based learning: Improve reading skills, fluency, comprehension, and spelling with a unique and easy-to-use approach to syllable division.
Manageable program progression: Develop learner fluency and comprehension by paring down the reading process to its basics before building it up.
Better readers in weeks: Dedicate just 20 minutes of practice a day to get results from students within weeks.
Independent learning: Encourage students to learn at their own pace with their very own manual, and build their confidence as they achieve and grow.
No specialist knowledge required: Achieve effective results by following the clear and simple instructions and prompts within the manual.
A clear pathway for progression: Create a clear pathway for progression with supplementary texts.
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