Discovering Mathematics

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A proven approach to raising maths achievement for 11-14 aged students, built around the ‘growth mindset’ that every child can succeed.

Enables students to explore new concepts through concrete, pictorial and abstract representation, supporting progression and depth of understanding as a mastery approach.

Series contains:

  • 9 Student Books, supporting all abilities 
  • 9 Workbooks, supporting all abilities 
  • 9 Teachers’ Guides, providing comprehensive support
  • 3 Graded Question Banks, covering each course stage
  • Series Guide to accompany course
  • Digital resources on Kerboodle, an interactive digital platform offering an integrated print and online approach.

Discovering Mathematics follows on seamlessly after Numicon 6 and other programmes following the CPA approach (Pr1me and Maths No Problem) which covers up to NZC Level 4a with level 4b.

Why does Singapore do so well?

Singapore brings together all the theories of learning mathematics and apply them consistently across all their schools and through all the years.

They follow theories that have been known for decades, not just based on single person's research or the latest trend.

Singapore has built the foundation of the curriculum on these conceptual foundations:

Numeracy, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Probability and Analysis.

Added to these are the Skills, Processes, Metacognition and Attitudes

The Skills are: Estimation, Use of tools, Measurement, Data Analysis, Spatial Visualisation, Algebraic manipulation, Numerical Calculation

The Processes are: Reasoning, Communication, Making Connections, Thinking Skills, Application and Modelling (eg. Bar)

Metacognition is: How do I know? Let me thinking about my 'thinking'

Attitude is: 'We are good but we can do better' 

2021 Syllabus

How does the CPA approach work?


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